DiceCollector.com - How are duplicates prevented?
How are duplicates prevented?

A demonstration of the process is the easiest way to show this process ...

The process begins when a die that is discovered that is suspected not to be part of the collection ...

New dice are found in several places
    ... on eBay
    ... Google Product search  (Froogle)
    ... tips from other people

Often a die is so different ... or is a newly manufactured style that it is known that it is not part of the collection ...

In cases where there is any question ... a database search is conducted ...

A process of search techniques have been developed over the years so that by a process of elimination ... a search can be narrowed to just a few rows ...

1) Gather information about the candidate die ...

      It is a six-sided die
      It has a body COLOR of BLACK
      It is PLASTIC (info provided by the seller via email)     

2) In the database (13252 rows) ... Filter for rows that are SIX SIDED dice

3) Filter the remaining 6931 rows to BLACK bodied ...  six sided dice

4) Filter the remaining 445 rows for PLASTIC ... black bodied ... six sided dice

So far we have filtered the original 13252 rows to 398 rows

5) Filtering further ... eliminate obvious feature differences

      * Location = NUMBERED ... NON #ED ... BLANK ... SPORTS etc as these are pipped dice
      * Style = IRIDESCENT ... YAHTZEE ... etc

This leaves 133 rows

6)  Filter out brands that would not have produced the candidate die (only experience can do this) ...

      * Brand = Q-Workshop ... Gale Force Nine ... Chessex ... Koplow ... Gamestation ... Rose & Pentagram etc

This leaves 65 rows

7) Filter out PIP (dot / spot / indicia) colors of high quantity that do not qualify

      * Pip Color = White ... Red ... Silver ... Gold

This leaves 7 rows

8) Examine the remaining rows one at at time ...

We can eliminate all of these as:

      * This die does not have GREY pips
      * This die does not have IRRIDESCENT pips (spelling error fixed for all you editors out there)
      * This die does have MULTI color pips ... but they are multi on every side
      * This die does not have WHITE / GREEN pips
      * This die does have WHITE / RED pips ... but the colors in the symbol for the pips also includes BLACK
                 also ... this is not an Electronic Die
      * This die does not have YELLOW pips
So ... from this it can be seen no example of the candidate die exists in the datbase

What happens if after the database search ...
       there are rows that seem to describe the candidate die?

1) Use the LOCATION from the database and go to either the photo archive or the Dice by Storage Location
        webpage and locate the photo of each of the dice that were remaining in the search

2) Compare the photo of the existing die in the collection against that of the candidate die

3) If there is still a question ... go to the actual storage container and look at the acual die